Thursday, April 16, 2020

Gris Grimly

Elizabeth recovering from scarlet fever, page 40

"She had, at first, yielded to our entreaties; but when she heard that her favorite was recovering, she could no longer debar herself, and entered her chamber long before the danger of infection was past".


  1. This was one of my favorite images from the book: so beautifully haunting!

  2. First off, how topical! Victor's mother assuming that since Elizabeth is on the upswing, she can go for a visit certainly has some modern-day parallels...

    I think there's also a parallel here within the text. Victor wonders a few times if the monster is out of his life just because they haven't crossed in months. Readers, of course, know that they will meet again, but perhaps it is willful ignorance on the part of both Victor and his mother. They both want something so badly (Victor's mother to see Elizabeth well, and Victor to never meet the monster again) they they convince themselves that the bad times may be over.

  3. indeed ... the parallels with where we all are at present hadn't really struck me. But here we do indeed find ourselves! ;-)

  4. As Caleb and Dr. MB pointed out, I noticed some very scary parallels in this part of the text and our current climate today. I think it's a beautifully depressing way to illustrate that sometimes you need to be absolutely sure of something before you act. This also reminds me of the cliche "patience is a virtue." Had she simply waited a little bit longer, Mrs. Frankenstein would have been able to see Elizabeth and they both would have been alright. This was one of my favorite parts of the text, as grim as it sounds. It was both beautifully illustrated and hauntingly written, and its meaning is layered perfectly.


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