Tuesday, February 18, 2020

That's one way to make him less perfect

"On Merlin's advice, in order to destroy his bastard son Mordred, Arthur commanded that, on the pain of death, all babies of the nobility born on May Day were to be brought to the court. Arthur then sent them adrift in an unmanned vessel, which eventually foundered. However, the plan failed, for the wreck was discovered by a yeoman who clambered aboard and found a lone survivor, whom he took into his care; and this was the baby Mordred" (25).
Arthur's not so perfect anymore! Not only is he not strong enough in this version to defeat every opponent he ever encounters, he also listens to his looney prophet/ wizard/ advisor and decides TO HAVE A BUNCH OF INNOCENT BABIES KILLED? And, of course, it's only mentioned briefly in this one paragraph, and then we move on.
Also. What does it say about England's view of fate that both Arthur's birth and Mordred's survival occurred under very specific and unusual circumstances?

Protest: https://www.desicomments.com/user-submitted/stop-killing-babies/

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