This was the very first time I have ever seen a star wars movie. I enjoyed it for the most part. The movie was long but it held my interest. I found the fights humorous. The red light of the bullets were interesting. Older movies do not have access to the graphics we do nowadays. I was generally impressed by what was available for the time period. I am sure this movie was still very expensive. Sci fi movies are very creative and make you thing about the future in a sense. This future is nothing like the movie has projected, even though many years have passed. It is interesting to see the costumes and how the movie is really put together. The story was pretty engaging Luke Skywalker is the hero in Star Wars. Strangely enough Star Wars follows Joseph Campbell's idea of a hero's journey. Hero stories do have a similar structure now that I thought about it. There is always an issue that arises and the hero declines until he sees that he is needed. When the hero sees what is at stake he has a purpose to continue and he does. He continues until the task is finished. In most cases the hero survives. This is when you know another movie will be made.
Luke Skywalker on the Scene
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