Tuesday, January 28, 2020

Star Wars: Mentor & Hero

When reading/watching/reviewing the different things for tonight class, what stuck out to me was something said during the 2 minute youtube clip from Bill Moyers' The Power of the Myth. When talking about the point in the movie where Ben Kenobi's voice is in Lukes head saying, "Use the force Luke. Let go. Luke", he says that "this thing communicates. It is in our language that is talking to young people today. And that's marvelous". My first thought: what is "it"? I found this to be very confusing, yet also making a lot of sense. I know that sounds odd; it is something I can understand but I am unsure how to explain why I understand it. I am just lost on what "it" is.

When reading on the "cheat sheet" about the mentor and the hero interactions it states, “The Hero meets a Mentor to gain confidence, insight, advice, training, or magical gifts to overcome the initial fears and face the Threshold of the adventure." This is what happens with Luke and Ben, Ben gives him the lightsaber and helps him to train with it and fight with it. In that Youtube clip it is also said that, the mentors of the heroes often give them some type of instrument or tool to use as well as a psychological center. I interpreted this as the mentor giving the hero a weapon or object in order to complete whatever their journey is, and offering them the tools they need to get past their mental blocks in order to be successful in their journey.

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